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Scrap the LTNs to save our communities!

Link to all petitions, emails addresses and websites to contact to protest the scheme.

Haringey Council have forced rushed, poorly thought-out schemes onto local residents and businesses without any impact assessments, any consideration given to the effect on surrounding roads or to the safety of road users within these so-called ‘Low Traffic Areas’.

The LTNs have to be killed-off. Our businesses are at risk due to lack of through traffic. Our residents are being used as a revenue source whilst struggling in a cost-of-living crisis. Our children are being forced to endure the massive pollution increase caused by the displaced traffic on the roads to their tube stations, their bus stops and even idling outside their actual schools. The surrounding roads are becoming gridlocked and services such as taxis, delivery vans and tradesmen are refusing calls to the area. We knew this would happen. We voted against it. They ignored us.

They Will Not Ignore Us Twice!

Use the links below to read the arguements against the LTNs, see the options open to us in our fight and to sign the petitions to show the council we as a community will not be bullied any longer.

Link to all petitions, emails addresses and websites to contact to protest the scheme.